I had long thought to write about her here as one of my sources of inspiration, but today seems like the right day to do it, cause her latest video, 'Scream', has just been released worldwide:
Put on your 3D glasses for a better viewing experience ;)
Always ridiculously fit and sexy, Kelis (her name is pronounced 'Kuh-leese') is brave enough to wear about anything and can get away with it. She clearly has the right attitude.
She may not be the best or most successful singer, but she certainly knows how to stand out.
When she had her first video out, 'Caught out there' (the "I hate you so much right now ! Aaaargh !" song :P), I admired her brightly colored afro mane. It was dyed yellow and red.
She has the same look on the cover of her first album, 'Kaleidoscope'.
Artsy and edgy, this is how it's done: she poses topless, but completely covered in body paint.
For her second video, 'Good stuff', she dyed her afro mane green, blue and yellow:
Her biggest hit was 'Milkshake', off her album called 'Tasty'.
This album also had some suggestive but nice artwork:
By the time she launched 'Bossy' & her album 'Kelis was here', she was sporting a short do, then a partially shaved head, way before Rihanna or Cassie did it. She succeeds to look classy no matter what.
Her singles taken off her latest album, 'Flesh Tone', all have beautiful videos. In these times when Lady Gaga's videos show everything that's nasty & filthy out there, Kelis proves that you can make clean & beautiful videos while also not forgetting about the sexy & glam factor (& wearing risque outfits, like she always did & Lady Gaga does now). Her outfits, make-up & accessories are wonderful. Her looks are inspired by tribal warriors, Native Americans & African queens.
In the video for "4th of July (Fireworks)", she wows us with her fake eyelashes and studded headpieces.
Kelis has always been edgy and 'to the point'. Lady Gaga seems forced and acts like needs to prove something instead of acting relaxed, like Kelis does. Kelis has nothing to prove. She's always been like that. And gorgeous.
Kelis discussing 5 of her funky looks:
Moral of the story? She doesn't take herself too seriously. You shouldn't do that either. If it's a fun party you're going to, you can choose something more funky, sequined, bright, fetish-inspired. Don't feel bad about it ! It's all about having fun.
Eu am facut cateva zile sport urmarindu-i clipurile ca sa ma ambitionez, si am reusit sa-mi subtiez talia :))
RăspundețiȘtergereI get her point in sensul ca sefa aia de la PETA e dusa si ce fac e prea de tot, dap.
Kelis e mai dusa cu pluta, but she's not faking it, si arata si f. bine, spre deosebire de Gaga, asa ca-i vin bine toate chestiile mai ciudate pe care le poarta.
Acuma na, daca roscatul e frumos? Si eu ma voiam roscata in liceu, cand toti se dau rockeri :)) m-am facut castanie si mai incolo 'pruna uscata' sau cum ii zice culorii, cu sampon. Si acum ma batea gandul sa-mi fac ceva a la Adela Popescu, de ex :)) dar e prea deschisa culoarea pt parul meu. Si daca tot veni vorba, Rihanna cu par lung roscat arata ORIBIL. Poate de la ea a inceput tot :)) De fapt cred ca sunt extensii/peruca, pt ca acum putin timp era cu par scurt roscat (care, sincer, ii venea ok, zic desi n-o suport ca si cantareata/persoana)